All HMIS End Users will be invited to complete this required course on the 1st day of the month in which they were assigned an HMIS License. Contact the Help Desk with questions!
Bridge Questions?
Contact the Help Desk with any questions.
Did you know?
Logging into HMIS on at least a monthly basis and completing all required trainings will allow you to maintain an "active" account status in HMIS!
At Maine HMIS we administer the ServicePoint Database in Maine.
Maine Continuum of Care HMIS Lead Agency
MaineHousing has made the difficult decision to step down as the HMIS Lead Agency of the CoC at the end of calendar year 2025. Read more in the attached memo.
HMIS Help Desk Statistics Dashboard
The HMIS Help Desk is used to provide technical assistance to HMIS Agency Administrators and End Users. This report will provide you insight on which topics require assistance.